The NCJC Housing & Development Foundation relies on our members and trusted partners experience in business, construction, management and development. Our partners include FC Bank, Messer Construction, Park National Bank, Sunset Development & Investment LLC, Ohio Housing Finance Agency, Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing, City Real Estate Advisors, PNC Bank, Hope of KY, YouthBuild Columbus, Barcus Company Inc., Grove City Chamber of Commerce, North Columbus Jaycees, Elford construction, Brady Ware & Company, Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging, IMPACT Community Action, Office on Aging, Urban, Family Development Center, Mid-Ohio Food Collective , Lower Lights Christian Health Center, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and Mobile Disability Resource Center.
The growth strategy for foundation is to leverage our funds to the greatest extent possible to acquire and finance additional affordable housing. The fund can make loans for properties they are acquiring and pledge equity for bridge loans prior to permanent funding.
Looking to become a partner, email us at info@ncjchdf.org.